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5 Ways to Educate Your Clients on Pet Poison Prevention

March 19th through 25th is National Animal Poison Prevention Week, a great time to start a conversation with your clients about the dangers of pet poisoning, how it can be prevented, and what to do in case of an emergency. Educating your clients on what substances are toxic to their cat or dog could help save an animal’s life. And in the case that a pet does ingest a harmful substance, Mixlab is here to help.

Share the Basics

Off the top of their head, your clients may not know what is toxic to a dog or cat, like certain human-safe foods and products. Your clients may even be routinely using products or meds that are harmful to their pet in the short or long term. We want to help your clients stay aware of hazards and better implement preventative measures through valuable information. For example, smaller dogs are more likely to ingest man-made substances such as rat or ant poison while larger dogs may get into trash bins containing toxic foods.
Encourage your pet owners to review a list of toxic substances that include some of the following:
  • Medications intended for people or another pet without confirmation from a veterinarian
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Avocado
  • Caffeine
  • Chocolate
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Marijuana
  • Candy
  • Grapes/Raisins
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Salt
  • Tobacco Products
  • Plants (ivy, aloe vera, tulips, azaleas, jade, and more)
  • Chemicals (cleaning products, fertilizers, pesticides, detergents, and more)
Here’s a great graphic you can share with them too:
It may be helpful to also note that each season brings new challenges when it comes to poisonous substances. For example, New Year’s and Valentine’s Day present higher seasonal hazards due to the nature of the celebration. By proactively sharing this information, your clients can prepare accordingly. And we’re always here as a resource for you too!

Educate on Signs of Poisoning

Should your pet patients ingest something poisonous, your clients need to know it’s not too late. By sharing some clear indicators of pet poisoning with your clients, they’ll be better equipped to provide them with help. A great tool to share with your clients on the signs of poisoning is the mnemonic BLENDS:

  • Behavioral changes (lethargy or hyperactivity) or Bruising of the gums, ear flaps, or inside the groins
  • Lack of appetite or vomiting
  • Excessive salivation, thirst, or urination
  • Nose bleeds, coughing up blood, or blood in urine
  • Diarrhea or blood in stool
  • Seizures or tremors

Provide Emergency Instructions

Oftentimes, people freeze up during extreme stress, which can be caused by seeing their pet under duress. Help by ensuring your clients know what actions they can take during these times. You can suggest that your clients put together a poison safety kit that includes things like a fresh bottle of hydrogen peroxide 3%, saline eye solution, artificial tear gel, mild grease-cutting dishwashing liquid, and more. These materials may be helpful in multiple situations when it comes to pet poisonings.
If your practice provides emergency care, let your clients know that you should be their first call when they think their pet has been poisoned. Supplying them with the Pet Poison Helpline and ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) contact information as resources that contain more information is also helpful.
If your practice does not offer emergency services, ensure your clients have access to the name and phone number of a local emergency animal hospital. While we hope an emergency plan is never needed, it could be the reason our furry friend survives.

Continue the Conversation

National Pet Poison Prevention Week is a great opportunity to present this topic to your clients, but this conversation should continue year round. By routinely providing pet owners with a list of harmful substances and telltale symptoms, you’re able to keep this topic at the forefront of their minds.

Partner with Mixlab

Spreading awareness about how to prevent, recognize, and react to poisoning will help your clients take better care of their pets, which in turn allows you to do the same. Mixlab is also here to help. As a veterinary-first pet pharmacy that is committed to helping you provide your clients with the best pet treatment experience possible, Mixlab has an extensive offering of pain meds for pets.
With Mixlab, next day delivery is free (same day is available for a fee in LA and NYC), medications are customizable and are available in 40+ flavors. Our online portal offers order tracking, easy access to patient information, and more to help save you time and ensure better compliance at your practice. Experience our five-star customer service for yourself— partner with Mixlab today and keep your clients happy and healthy.