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11 Signs Your Pet Has Seasonal Allergies | Mixlab

Written by Admin | June 14, 2022
Spring marks that time of year again: allergy season, the season of runny noses, itchy eyes, and paw-licking. You might be wondering, “Can pets have allergies too?” Yes, seasonal allergies not only affect humans, they affect pets too! And in June, these reactions are likely at their peak.
Dogs, cats and exotics can experience numerous types of allergies such as food and environmental allergies, but skin allergies, also known as allergic dermatitis, are most common. Just as you might take daily allergy medicine during this time of year, there are actions you can take to help your dog, in particular, stay feeling strong as well. While cats and exotics can also experience seasonal allergies, this post concentrates on our canine friends. Here are eleven signs your pup has seasonal allergies and what you can do to keep those tails wagging.

Signs Your Pet Has Seasonal Allergies

Your pet can react to allergies in a range of ways. It’s important to monitor your pup for anything out of the ordinary, but remember that you may not be able to see all symptoms.
Keep an eye out for:
  • Eye discharge
  • Excessive scratching or inflamed skin in the armpit, groin, muzzle, and/or paw areas
  • Runny nose
  • Hives, especially after being outdoors
  • Recurring ear infections
  • Red and swollen eyes
  • Sneezing, wheezing or coughing
  • Increased shedding
  • Paw licking
  • Gastrointestinal abnormalities
  • Simply acting a bit unusual/lethargic
One of the most common symptoms of seasonal pet allergies is excessive scratching, which is a clear reaction to itchy and irritated skin. Continuous scratching can be dangerous because prolonged irritation and broken skin can lead to painful infections. If your pup is scratching more than normal, schedule a visit to your veterinarian.
These more indicative symptoms also have the potential to be harmful if left untreated. Though pet allergies are common, they can be uncomfortable for your furry friend. Learning the cause of your pet’s sensitivities empowers you to take steps needed to remedy the problem.

What Causes Seasonal Allergies?

General allergies occur when animals come in contact with something they’re sensitive to, like certain pollens, grass or pesky dust mites inside your home. When this occurs, the immune system becomes less tolerant of a foreign substance and leads to uncomfortable physical reactions.
While allergies can be present at any time during the year, seasonal allergies typically occur at the particular time of year when pollen is present in the air and/or your dog is spending more time around grass and trees. But, don’t rule out indoor sources of your pet’s discomfort. Dust and mold are also common irritants for pets and could be bothering them all year round.
Your veterinarian can help you pinpoint the source of your dog’s seasonal allergies or let you know if the root of the issue lies elsewhere. By noting your pet’s history, conducting a physical exam, and performing lab, skin and blood tests, your veterinarian can suggest a customized treatment plan specific to your pet.

Ways To Manage Your Pet’s Seasonal Allergies

If your pet is sensitive to pollen or trees, consider some pet-safe products and practices to help your pet stay healthy while enjoying the great outdoors.
  • Optixcare wipes are a great way to safely clean your dog’s eyes of allergens and discharge due to irritation. They’re free of harsh chemicals and are gentle on your pet’s eye area.
  • Use Paw/ear or skin wipes to clean paw pads after coming in contact with pollen and freshly-cut grass. This keeps your pet from ingesting pollen or other allergens if they lick their paws later on.
  • Colloidal oatmeal is effective for relieving itching as it contains fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that nourish the skin. You can add this as a powder to a bath or use a cream or shampoo that contains this as a main ingredient.
  • Fatty acid supplements (e.g. fish oil, MCT oil, etc.), as well as other types of supplements specifically for seasonal allergies, offer additional immune support during this season.
There are also medications that can help lessen the severity of the allergy symptoms. It is very important that you talk to your veterinarian about what is best for your pet’s unique needs. Keep in mind that while one process or medication may work great for one pet, it may not for another. The below medications are available through Mixlab’s convenient, next-day home delivery and may help your furry friend during this time of peak seasonal allergies:
  • Apoquel
  • Cytopoint
  • Cyclosporine
  • Antihistamines, such as
    • Cetirizine
    • Levocetirizine
    • Loratadine
    • Hydroxyzine
    • Cyproheptadine
  • Steroids, for more severe issues, like
    • Prednisone
    • Prednisolone
    • Triamcinolone

Mixlab Can Help This Spring

Now that you know your dogs can get seasonal allergies just like you, you’re one step closer to helping your best friend. Get started with Mixlab today to see how easy it is to soothe your pet’s allergies with personalized meds and other products delivered directly to your doorstep!